Discover nature through our eyes ...

Who are we? 

We are ‘souls’ who find a lot of joy in nature. We observe and enjoy, without disturbing it, capturing much of what it has to offer with our cameras. 

For ourselves, for you, for everyone who feels connected to nature…

Trees throughout the seasons, with their squirrels, pigeons and songbirds. 


Lakes with all their aquatic birds: herons, swans, ducks, great crested hebes and geese.


Forests, full of trees, moss, ferns, 

mushrooms and flowers.


And if you begin to see the beauty of all the life surrounding us from a new point of view, our passion for photography is worth it. 

We invite you to join us on our journey.

In times of AI, where it is possible to order almost any picture, where only the ‘final result’ counts, it is even more important to us to enjoy nature with all our senses when taking pictures: to discover, to touch, to hear, to smell … to experience and document the changing seasons. 


You will certainly find something for you in this bank… 

Some 'insights' ... 
click on the tabs below the languages tab on top of this page to discover more (e.g. coaching cards, prices and more pictures)

"In the smallest things, nature shows its greatest wonders.” 
(Carl von Linné)

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